Sunday 9 December 2007

Food - more than just fuel

Saturday I was with an area meeting of Quakers.

We talked about food. It's much more than just fuel. God could have desinged us to be likle cars, running on the same fuel time after time, but we are created to enjoy a wide diversity of different tastes, textures aromas....

In the story of faith, food features at key times. God meets Abram at Mamre & they share a meal. The Israelites eat before escaping Egypt. There's manna & quails in the desert. The promised land flows with milk and honey. In the New Testament Jesus eats with saints and sinners. The risen Jesus is recognised at Emmaus by the away he handled food.

Food should be valued. But in this society it is not. One third is thrown away uneaten. The lack of value given to food means that the prices are poor and farmers get poor returns. The average income per farmer is £13,800. Lack financial returns result in cheap labour being imported from overseas.

We can respond by buying fairly traded food and supporting farmers.

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