Tuesday 2 February 2010

God of suprises

One of my interests is Formula 1 racing and on a discussion site about McLaren’s chances next season there was a thread about climate change. That debate led into a discussion about god and his existence or otherwise. Over the last few weeks it’s been an interesting debate with a couple of militant atheists. It’s sharpened up my debating skills and apologetics (to use a technical term).

To my surprise the following has just been posted;

Still a slow day....

I would like to thank all of the posters who have been so unpleasant towards RuralVic
(That's me in case you wondered)(in particular, but also others who have supported a religious point of view). I was so appalled at what you were saying that for the last two weeks I have been attending church - something that I have not done for a very very long time. In addition, over the same period I have been attending a course called "Christianity Explored", so that at a minimum I will come to know what I have been rejecting, in order to be able to make an informed decision whether to continue rejecting or to change.

So thanks once again, I hope you continue to find pleasure in the "hateorade".

Another of God's surprises!!

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